
6 things to watch for during your HighQ demo

Any time you’re considering a significant expense, you will be on the lookout for certain features that will guide your decision to buy. People whom enjoy sailing off the coast of Dorset or hiking in the Scottish Highlands are keen to have light and durable kit. Digital animators’ technology decisions are driven by processing power and graphics capabilities.

When you’re engaging with a legal technology supplier, it’s a similar mindset. You have your agenda and the specific points to consider for your firm’s needs. A good salesperson will have done their homework to address those points during a demo.

Though you may think you have a definitive list of attributes to inquire about—it’s best to pay attention to the whole presentation. Every product or service has something to offer, possibly even beyond what you are expecting. Keep a lookout for possible hidden gems that you or your colleagues might have missed.

With that in mind, here are six things to pay attention to when exploring HighQ:

1. Notice how easy HighQ is to use

It’s natural to feel a little trepidation when considering new enterprise software. In considering a software purchase, leadership will contemplate the effort of onboarding their staff. And individual users can feel like their whole world is changing.

What’s different with the design of HighQ is that it’s very user friendly. Moreover, firms that choose HighQ are set up with a client success team. It is known that the people who use HighQ every day are not necessarily programmers, tech consultants, or operations experts. Primarily they are lawyers, colleagues, and clients. When you explore HighQ, pay attention to how easy it is to use the features.

2. Listen for references to the IT department

Support needs from your IT department will be referenced less than you would expect. Whilst HighQ does require installation and configuration, the day-to-day use and even the sophisticated productivity gains are within reach of the average user.

HighQ places power in the hands of lawyers, support staff—the users. They are the ones doing so much of the work, and they will know what is required—from an engaging client-facing site or an automated workflow based your firm’s best practices. Features like these and more are available to end-users, without the need for a computer science degree or constant IT support.

3. Observe the way the data moves

A key component of HighQ are iSheets—structured data within HighQ that allows information to be used in multiple ways. In layperson’s terms, think about how your phone or tablet knows you. With a clear structure of first name, surname, address, phone—it has become nearly effortless to complete online contact and order forms from nearly any website.

This same concept applies to the information in a legal matter. By capturing that data in a structured, yet flexible, manner—your firm can bring the relevant details of a matter across multiple functions without needing to re-enter or reformat the information again and again. This doesn’t just make the work move faster—though of course it does—it brings consistency and reliability to the job.

4. Watch the work… flow

Speaking of faster, look out for those tasks that could take up a lawyer’s time but aren’t necessarily billable. The simple stuff that is important to the business—such as acknowledging receipt of documents uploaded by the client. Your clients expect a high level of service, but are less concerned with the small tasks—and are typically most concerned with your legal expertise.

Still, moving things along or keeping tabs on to-dos is a big part of the daily job. When you see HighQ for the first time, pay attention to the automation. It’s user-friendly and ready-to-help. Your legal team can build, execute, and optimise automation based on the needs of your firm, the matter at hand, or your client’s preferences.

The automation and customisable features will be quite liberating. By putting automation processes in place, lawyers can clear the more repetitive tasks off their desk and focus on the more intellectually stimulating work. Automation is a safeguard ensuring that the small steps are not lost in busy and pressurising workdays.

5. Make note of the reporting capabilities

Client requests can surface quickly and in rapid succession. Regardless of the complexity and frequency, there can be challenges to ensure a fast and accurate response. Often it will be necessary for ‘all hands-on deck’ as details get run down, reviewed, and approved before drafting an official report or reply.

With HighQ, bringing clients into the fold is easy. Creating client portals, for example, is a breeze. Not only that it doesn’t require a programmer, but because you can use existing client sites as a template. If your firm has an online experience that an existing M&A client loves, that same experience can be scaled out across new clients with simple templating and customisation.

The same simplicity applies to other common outputs as well: client dashboards, leadership reports, and matter status updates. With HighQ, when you need to know, you know.

6. Style and proper form with ease

Presentation of information is important, but creating charts and graphs is not easy for everyone. Even many of those with the knowledge and skills of how to use such software not everyone has the time or is artistically inclined. Fortunately, HighQ has powerful data visualisation capabilities built in—and you can swiftly put your information into an easy to read and aesthetically pleasing form.

When you’re looking at HighQ, think about the hours spent moving information from Excel to PowerPoint and back again to make updates—all to build a simple pie chart for a report. That’s time you will never get back, unfortunately. However, it doesn’t need to be time you are destined to lose in the future. HighQ knows how to help present and showcase your work—and keep you working at your best.

Ready to see it all for yourself? Schedule your demo of HighQ today.