Legal research tool
Do more efficient and insightful research on Westlaw Edge UK with CoCounsel
Confidently navigate regulatory changes, explore unprecedented volumes of case law, and tackle challenges head-on using generative AI

Perform research tasks like never before

Make well-informed decisions with AI-Assisted Research
Get relevant answers to legal research questions with CoCounsel, a generative AI assistant. Verify the results using links to trusted Westlaw authority to make better-informed decisions and complete research more efficiently.
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Follow the evolution of local laws with UK Analytics
Uncover information you might otherwise miss and complete your research in record time with an intuitive interface that provides a clear picture of how UK legislation has evolved over time.
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Compare differences between the UK and EU law with UK/EU Divergence Tracker
Compare UK and EU legislation and regulations side by side to see how divergence may impact and provide opportunities for your clients and business.
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Transform your case research through data visualisation with Case Analytics
See a case's citation history and trace back lines of authority to ensure you are relying on sound law and no line of argument is overlooked.
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Additional tools to meet your research needs
Books on Westlaw UK
Save time and increase efficiency with Books on Westlaw Edge UK. Experience intuitive publication pages, personalisation features, and seamless integration built specifically for the legal market.
Lawtel on Westlaw UK
Stay connected to what is happening right now with same-day coverage of the Supreme and High Court decisions, as well as the latest legislative information, articles, and press coverage.
International materials
Find information fast in over 60 countries. Westlaw International is built on a vast global library of the world's best legal, news, and business information.
The value of Westlaw Edge UK with CoCounsel
Legal research redefined
Save time and work smarter with intelligent tools and features that ensure you gain every professional and technological advantage. Westlaw Edge UK with CoCounsel revolutionises legal research by combining innovative legal research technology with over 200 years of meticulously curated content.
Westlaw Edge UK with CoCounsel draws on over 200 years of experience to deliver the legal information you need to practise the law confidently.
Access over 100,000 constantly maintained, tracked, and updated legislation documents to ensure you are prepared for future legal changes.
Ninety-four out of the UK's top 100 law firms rely on Westlaw UK to speed up legal research and keep up to date with changes in the law.
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