
Can your legal tech keep up with the speed of matters?

Matters move quickly. New information comes to light, work moves from person to person, and client communication can change the direction or scope of work in an instant. Keeping up with this pace was difficult when you could walk down the corridor and ask a question or grab a meeting room to work with a colleague. As the world is changing by the minute, the pace of matters is increasing. Add to that the increasing reliance on technology, and you almost have a tortoise and the hare situation.

Oddly, it can be the technology that is the tortoise rather than the matters. Status updates are days or hours old thanks to static spreadsheets and dashboards relying on old data. Gaps between disparate systems require manual transcription and duplicate work. Sometimes it is as simple as waiting for a colleague to answer a quick question by email while they are managing their children’s distance learning.

What if your technology could work at the pace of your clients’ matters? What if communication and collaboration were as easy as they were when everyone was in the office and you could sit down face-to-face with clients? What if you could monitor and manage workflows in real time? You would probably have simpler workflows, faster response times, happier clients, and lower costs. Let’s explore how HighQ workflow and process auotmation can help you achieve those benefits.

Get your technology up to speed

Take the example of performing due diligence for an acquisition for a long-time client. Once you have assigned documents to each lawyer, how do you surface their analysis and any issues they find and share the information with the correct people in a timely fashion? Perhaps you would use an email and a document sharing service. Multiply that by the number of documents and it becomes a full-time job just to keep everything in proper order.

With HighQ, you can integrate document storage, sharing, data visualisation, and collaboration. In this cloud-based platform, your entire team can perform almost every task associated with the due diligence in one place. Document review is secure and simple with tasks automatically created for each lawyer. Data visualisation indicates to the deal lead which documents need their attention and communication happens within the platform—keeping everyone in the know.

Best of all, you can set up dashboards for your client so they can always check the real-time status of the project. No more manual spreadsheets that would be out of date before you send them. Less administrative work, more billable hours, and a happier client. That’s a win for everyone.

Explore the possibilities

This is just one potential application of HighQ. Firms today use the platform for document automation, client extranets, knowledge management, and much more. The beauty of HighQ is its scalability. If you need a simple document storage—HighQ has that capability. Need a full-scale project management for hundreds of users across multiple locations? HighQ can do that too.

The common link among all these applications is the same—speed, efficiency, and simplicity. We understand that your technology needs to conform to the way you work, not the other way around. All too often, lawyers find their technology tools are a bottleneck for actual legal work. And as clients increasingly demand faster response times—substandard tech simply that slows you down will not be sufficient for competitive client service.

Keep up with your clients

Law firms around the world are looking for ways to increase productivity and take on more matters. The pace of work is not slowing—laws are changing due to Brexit and COVID-19—and client demands are increasing. Let us show you how HighQ can help you keep pace with the speed of your clients’ matters.