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Quickly find the most relevant cases that apply or interpret a statute with Judicial Interpretation
Finding cases that have meaningfully interpreted legislation can be a time-consuming process. Judicial Interpretation on Westlaw Edge UK streamlines this process by providing seamless access to editorially created summaries of cases that meaningfully interpret statutes, so you don’t have to sift through all the Citing References to determine what is relevant.
Save time and better understand how courts have interpreted the law by relying on Thomson Reuters editorial expertise to guide you to the most relevant case law results, faster.
See how it works
Understanding how the courts have implemented legislation is integral to your research, but also very time consuming. With one click, Judicial Interpretation takes you straight to the cases with meaningful interpretation.
Reduce the time it takes to find relevant legislation and feel confident that you are citing good law. In less than a minute, you get an editorially curated summary of the interpretation by the case; details of the case that link to the Case Digest; and filters to refine the list of cases by topic, jurisdiction, court, case type and more.
Advise clients confidently and mitigate the high-impact risks surrounding the post transition period with the most current and high-quality insight possible. With one click, go straight to the cases that discuss implications of Brexit.