Law firm financial management

Ransomware: What Law Firms Need to Know

Law Firm Financial Management: Ransomware Webcast


Mark Gendein

Principal Architect, Legal Technology Thomson Reuters


Jesse Mrasek

Senior Cloud Solutions Architect Microsoft


Webcast Moderator Colleen Scimeca

Director Product Strategist, Thomson Reuters

Hear from Thomson Reuters and Microsoft experts how the ransomware industry has evolved and how your firm needs to evolve to keep up.

Ransomware has evolved into its own industry and it has been successfully targeting law firms of all sizes. According to the ABA, 42% of firms with up to 100 employees experienced a data breach. Is your firm safe?

Key take aways include:

  • Overview of cybersecurity and ransomware within the legal industry
  • Cybersecurity in a hybrid working environment
  • How to prevent an attack and mitigation steps

Additional details

  • Mark Gendein
    Principal Architect, Legal Technology, Thomson Reuters

    Mark is the Chief Architect for Thomson Reuters Elite and has been with Elite for 8 years. He sets technical strategy for Thomson Reuters’ Elite products and works closely with clients and development engineers to deliver innovative products to the legal market. Mark has been using technology to solve business problems for almost 30 years and has been implementing cloud solutions since 2006.

  • Jesse Mrasek
    Senior Cloud Solutions Architect, Microsoft

    Jesse Mrasek is a Senior Cloud Solutions Architect with Microsoft, having begun his career in the cloud technology over a decade ago with Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (now Microsoft 365). As an Architect he spends most of his time assisting large enterprises achieve digital transformation. This means focusing on governance and compliance within heavily regulated industries and evangelizing a zero-trust security model to better prepare companies for the threats of the present, and the future.

  • Webcast Moderator Colleen Scimeca
    Director Product Strategist, Thomson Reuters

    Colleen is a legal thought leader and strategic legal operations expert from working as a consultant for Big4 and boutique legal consulting firms where she assisted over 60 corporate law departments and law firms on transformative programs aimed at driving improvements through legal technology, streamlining processes and law firm/outside counsel optimization. She currently works as a Senior Product Strategist at Thomson Reuters.

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