On-demand webinar series

Thomson Reuters and Microsoft Azure webcast series

Part three

Microsoft CELA's legal department migration

In this fireside chat, you'll learn how Microsoft's Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs (CELA) Department is embracing digital transformation and legal innovation in how they practice and support their business clients. Listen as our partners at Microsoft and our Senior Legal Product Strategist at Thomson Reuters share how law firms are increasing client value through adoption to the cloud.

Watch this this webcast to learn:

  • Business drivers that prompted Microsoft move to the cloud
  • How they began their journey to migrate to the cloud
  • What Microsoft looks for in outside counsel beyond having the requisite expertise and reputation
  • Advice to mid to large size firms about the cloud journey


Candice Carr

Senior Attorney Microsoft

Chloe Carver

Outside Counsel Engagement & Diversity Lead Microsoft

Colleen Scimeca

Director Product Strategist Thomson Reuters

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