Now available

Westlaw Edge UK now has generative AI Enter CoCounsel, your generative AI legal assistant that includes AI-Assisted Research — simply ask a question in everyday language and get a relevant answer with links to trusted Westlaw authority in moments

Jumpstart your legal research with CoCounsel, now on Westlaw Edge UK

What do you get when you combine generative AI with Westlaw Edge’s industry-leading legal content, unmatched editorial enhancements, and over 150 years of legal industry expertise? The answer: CoCounsel’s AI-Assisted Research skill. Using Westlaw Edge UK with CoCounsel, you can harness the power of generative AI — grounded in Westlaw’s trusted content — to quickly receive relevant answers to your legal questions, allowing you to make more well-informed decisions for the direction of your research.

Generative AI will completely change how you research the law

A faster start

Simply type in your legal issue, and CoCounsel’s AI-Assisted Research skill will generate a high-quality legal summary for you.

The best results

Get an answer grounded in the powerful combination of trusted Westlaw authority and the latest large-language model capabilities.

The most-trusted content

Rely on legal summaries exclusively derived from Westlaw content — recognized as the industry’s most comprehensive and accurate.

Request your free trial today

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