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Less is more: Consolidate your legal tech stack with HighQ

The universe may tend toward disorder, but human beings are often the opposite – and when things get too complex, we can feel the need to simplify, declutter and consolidate elements of our lives. From spring cleaning to deleting photographs on our phones, purging our wardrobes of old clothes and selling possessions we no longer need, it’s common to want to feel more organised and to do more with less.  Why should it be any different with the technology toolbox that law firms use? 

Technology has the potential to streamline your firm’s business, improve your efficiency by automating processes, and enhance communication through intelligent collaboration tools, helping you to get more done, faster. 

But technology can also massively complicate your working environment if the right solution is not deployed. When all the necessary functions are handled by different products and resources from different vendors – each with their own workflows – the result can be a mess. 

An advanced, connected, and consolidated legal tech stack that combines artificial intelligence and automation to deliver an end-to-end collaboration experience can be a game-changing solution that can help you stand out from the competition.  

Boosting your collaborative potential

The legal landscape is highly competitive, and your ability to work smarter and provide enhanced service to customers is a source of significant competitive edge. A differentiated customer experience can help you to win new business and retain existing clients. Technology should not hinder this, but rather support it, facilitating greater efficiency and enhanced collaborative ability, both internally and with your clients.  

Less is more

When it comes to technology solutions, more is not always better. Deploying too many different systems can have the opposite effect to what is desired. A consolidated and adaptable legal tech stack like HighQ empowers you to amplify collaboration, helping you to become more efficient, agile, and competitive, work more intelligently and closely with colleagues, and deliver more responsive, transparent, and valuable services to clients. 

HighQ helps you create greater operational efficiencies by turning time-consuming, repetitive tasks into automated, intelligent processes that not only boost productivity but strengthen your legal operations and workflow, enable seamless information and insight sharing, and improve engagement with clients.  

Tackling common challenges

HighQ combines multiple common tasks into a single solution for a streamlined experience from end to end, including legal project management, team collaboration and enhanced communication. This helps you plan, organise, track, and complete work more efficiently and intelligently and work better with teams and clients. 

This complete legal tech stack lets you capture, store, and search all information and files related to your portfolio, gain instant, secure access to the critical documents and details surrounding your cases and complete mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and other legal transactions quickly and effectively. HighQ delivers a holistic approach to regulatory tracking and compliance for you and your clients and facilitates a state-of-the-art client experience with enhanced client engagement and value, giving you another point of differentiation.  

Success stories speak for themselves

Global law firm Addleshaw Goddard uses HighQ for contract management, due diligence, and document automation. The iSheets functionality within HighQ has helped them to win clients, save costs and deliver work in a more streamlined way. They recognised the potential for iSheets as a transactional tool and have built numerous solutions around this, from simple automation tasks through to large, complex tasks involving several parties and many months of collaboration.  

The most complex has been coordinating the transfer of thousands of properties from one entity to another as part of a sale of a FTSE100 company. Using a solution built in iSheets, all parties involved in the deal are able to access documentation associated with the transfer. The workflow has been intelligently designed to enable users to access documentation in the right order, with automated alerts so that people know exactly when their input is needed. The data can then be used to automatically create a variety of documents including certificates of title and Land Registry forms.  

Not only are processes automated for maximum efficiency, the client also has enhanced visibility into the deal throughout the process. The iSheets solutions revolutionised how the deal was run and smoothed the path for everyone concerned.  

“Part of the reason for winning the pitch was based on our use of HighQ,” said Kerry Westland, TST Senior Manager at Addleshaw Goddard. “Before iSheets, we would have used spreadsheets to gather the data and would have manually created all of the documents. This solution has saved us a lot of time and will ensure the client saves on fees.” 

The bottom line is that in a digital world, we need technology enablers to keep pace and drive competitiveness. Having connected legal tech can help streamline processes and make work more efficient, and our client stories speak for themselves on the benefits. 

Find out more about how HighQ’s intelligent work and client engagement platform can help you innovate, collaborate and transform the way you provide legal services, or request a demo to see the solution in action for yourself.  

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