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Thomson Reuters

Roundtable: Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law (London)

Event date: Thursday 13 June 2019

Supporting the advancement and retention of women in legal leadership roles.

Thomson Reuters’ Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law programme is delighted to announce a roundtable dinner at the Hackney Townhall, hosted by Suki Binjal, Director of Legal at Hackney London Borough Council, and immediate Past President of Lawyers in Local Government (LLG).

The Roundtables are a series of events which serve as forums for discussion and debate about the barriers that impede women as they progress in their legal career. Attendees will be from across all segments of the legal industry, as everyone can be part of the solution. At the conclusion of the event, attendees are prompted to share what ideas they will take back to their organisation to help drive the legal profession towards a more balanced and equal future.

It is vital to have a more diverse, open and varied discussion—so male advocates are encouraged to attend and participate in all Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law events.

Be part of this movement and let’s make things happen.

Event details:

  • Roundtable Dinner
  • Thursday 13 June 2019, 6:30 to 9:30 pm
  • Hosted by Hackney London Borough Council, Mare Street, London


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