With so many technological innovations available to the legal sector, law firms are vulnerable to seizing onto the latest fad in a bid to improve efficiency and lower costs to clients. However, there is always a potential risk that the new technology is not fully embraced by the firm’s lawyers.
In an interview with Thomson Reuters Forum Magazine, Meredith Williams-Range, Chief Knowledge Management Officer at Baker Donelson, Nashville, Tennessee, in the United States, advises on some top tips on how best to use technology to improve a firm’s daily operation.
Speaking about introducing new technology within a firm, Williams-Range said it’s all about ‘people, process and technology’, and that their integration must be carefully planned, tested and implemented if a firm is going to have any chance of successfully improving its efficiency.
She added: “If you don’t look at all three when trying to implement a new tool, process or initiative, it will fail. You can have the greatest tool out there, but if using it takes someone out of their day-to-day practice, they are not interested. If your people are not going to use it, then what is the value? You need to have those three factors – people, process and technology – always coming together.”
You can read the full interview on Thomson Reuters’ Answers On blog.