Professional-grade Generative AI

Meet CoCounsel: Your GenAI legal assistant

Trained by industry experts, backed by authoritative content, and with best-in-class security, CoCounsel empowers you to focus on the more human aspects of legal work.

Accomplish thorough, accurate, and efficient work in seconds

Review documents

Ask a question regarding your documents and CoCounsel will answer it quickly with citations to sources, from critical testimony in transcripts to central terms in dense contracts.

Prepare for a deposition

Describe the deponent and principal issues in the case and CoCounsel will rapidly identify multiple highly relevant topics with questions to address. 

Summarise information

Interpret and condense information from any type of document faster than humanly possible without missing essential details.

Ready to try CoCounsel?

A single, unified GenAI experience across Thomson Reuters

Grounded in reliable data sources 

CoCounsel uses only reliable data sources and returns verifiable results by accessing your clients' databases and integrating trusted Practical Law content managed by over 650 lawyer editors.

Tested and authenticated

Our trusted team of experienced AI engineers and professional lawyers filters, ranks, and scores the output of thousands of sophisticated questions to ensure consistent and accurate answers.

Private and secure 

CoCounsel operates on private servers with an "eyes-off" API to ensure no OpenAI employee access to queries or documents — all data is encrypted, adhering to strict Thomson Reuters security standards.

Leading GenAI assistant 

Our proprietary content and resources for professionals — and the experts and know-how to produce and advise on best applying that content to professional work — have been unparalleled for 150 years.

Trained for the law 

Our lawyers and AI specialists spent months developing and testing an OpenAI — an Open AI-powered solution customised to lawyers’ needs that is reliable and secure enough to meet the highest bar.

For professionals, by professionals 

Now, legal professionals can delegate substantive tasks to generative AI — developed and backed by industry pioneers in the application of this technology for specialised use — and trust the results.

See CoCounsel in action

Book a complimentary demonstration 

Your Thomson Reuters consultant will recommend how CoCounsel can best work for you.