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Spring 2017 Budget: latest analysis
Public sector

Spring 2017 Budget: latest analysis

On 8 March 2017, the UK Chancellor, Philip Hammond, delivered the final Spring Budget. Practical Law’s tax team analysed the Budget in real time and delivered an in-depth legal update, which summarises the key business tax announcements. What do you need to know?

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A brief Brexit Bill: what now?
Public sector

A brief Brexit Bill: what now?

Following the Supreme Court's decision in Miller, the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill has been authored, beginning the process by which the Prime Minister will trigger Article 50 and take the UK out of the European Union. How will the Bill's brevity affect its passage through the legislative process?

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Technology in Westminster: what’s the next move?
Public sector

Technology in Westminster: what’s the next move?

The UK House of Lords Constitution Committee recently heard evidence from Professor Richard Susskind about the capacity of technology to improve the lawmaking process in Westminster. The Committee raised questions about the automation of legislation, and also the potential for social media comment to influence Parliamentary deliberations - for better or for worse.

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